Satisfactory Wiki

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Die Konsole in Satisfactory ist ziemlich eingeschränkt, die meisten der gelisteten Befehle werden nicht ausgeführt oder scheinen keinen Effekt zu haben. Ein paar Befehle sind jedoch verfügbar und können nützlich sein.

Aktivierung[ | ]

Um die Konsole zu aktivieren, drücke strg + ⇧ Shift + l. Dies schaltet die Konsole frei, es wird jedoch keine Meldung darüber angezeigt. Damit dies funktioniert, muss das Tastaturlayout bzw -modus auf qwerty (z.B. englisch UK) eingestellt sein. Danach drücke entweder § oder ` oder ~ (^ Zirkumflex oben links), um die Konsole zu öffnen. Drücke die Taste erneut, um das Konsolenfenster zu vergrößern. Einige Befehle benötigen das große Fenster, um korrekt benutzt zu werden.

Aktivierung per input.ini[ | ]



Wenn Sie Update 7 oder früher verwenden, (Unreal Engine 4) müssen es diese Zeilen sein:


Aktivierung per US Tastatur[ | ]

Taste ` auf der Deutschen Tastatur wäre es die Taste (^ Zirkumflex oben links)

Liste der Befehle[ | ]

Commands that can be typed into the Satisfactory console can be found here. They are organized in the following format: commands that execute and are useful, commands that execute and are either questionably useful or have an unknown use and commands that do not execute. Every category is organized alphabetically. The "window" column is to differentiate between commands that require the large console window to be properly used and commands that do not require it. Since Satisfactory is written in Unreal Engine, many commands from Unreal Engine itself appear in this list.

Nützliche Befehle[ | ]

Command Window Default Use/effect
Gamma [number] Small 2.2 Changes gamma (brightness) level. Default seems to be around 2.4
materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString] Large This command can be used to find the items required per second for all craftable items in the game. To use the command, type "materialFlowAnalysis" (not case sensitive) and then type in the item name you wish to find out about (this is case sensitive).
Pause Small Pauses the game, enter command again to continue playing
r.Atmosphere [0/1] Small 1 Activates/deactivates the atmosphere
r.Fog [0/1] Small 1 Activates/deactivates the fog
r.ViewDistanceScale Small 1 Sets the render distance of things like Trees/Foliage/Rocks (Can be FPS heavy if set to high values and can give your more FPS if set to lower values)
r.ScreenPercentage [percent] Small 100 Sets internal resolution scale. Can be used together with r.TemporalAA.Upsampling set to 1 to get a "fake" full resolution image achieved with temporal anti aliasing (TAA). This can improve performance a lot.
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number] Small 0.2 Range 0-1. Sets the impact of the current internal frame to the final image. Set this to a low value e.g. 0.05 for better anti aliasing or better upsampling at the cost of more artifacts (especially smearing) in motion. Also increase r.TemporalAASamples to something larger like 16 when using low values.
r.TemporalAAFilterSize Small 1 Sets the spread of the TAA samples. Use values below 1 like 0.25 to sharpen the image (only works if r.TemporalAASamples > 6).
r.TemporalAASamples [number] Small 8 Sets the number of samples to use for TAA. Set this to 2 - 5 to reduce jitter.
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen [number] Small 0 Sets the amount of a simple sharpen filter.
ShowDebug DebugType[FName] Small Activating command with any of the below will show the following information in the top left corner of the screen regardless of the command executed (unless otherwise stated):
  • Player name
  • Coordinates in the world (X, Y, Z)
  • Rotation
  • Instigator
  • Owner
  • Base eye height

Replace italicized text with any of the following:

  • AI - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding enemies and/or automated vehicles near the player.
  • AKAUDIOSOURCES - Shows number of active audio sources + other information. Execute again to show default information.
  • ANIMATION - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding what frame of an animation is being played, the name of the animation, etc.
  • BONES - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding bone connections and their orientation in non-static models.
  • CAMERA - Shows extra information about the camera position underneath default information.
  • CIRCUITS - Shows information regarding any power networks (circuits) in the world including; number of circuits, ID(s) and information about the circuits including; components, power produced, power consumed and fuse status. Execute again to show default information.
  • COLLISION- Unknown. Presumably shows collision information.
  • FACTORY - Shows number of player built structures (not including vehicles) in order from most to least.
  • FACTORYCONNNECTIONS - Use Unknown. Notes: Causes extreme lag, use at own risk. Execute again to show default information.
  • FORCEFEEDBACK - Shows information about current force feedback values and what is contributing to that calculation underneath default information.
  • INPUT - Shows information about which input method is currently being used (keyboard/mouse) which key is being used, the input value of the input and the time the input has been executed. Also shows information pertaining to input stack. All of this information is shown underneath the default information.
  • NET - Use unknown. Presumably used to show multiplayer connection info.
  • NONE - Shows only default information, hiding the rest.
  • PHYSICS - Shows information about; Current player velocity components, total player speed, total player speed (2D), acceleration experienced by the player and other physics related information. This is all shown underneath default information.
  • POWER - Use unknown. Note: Causes Lag, use at your own risk.
  • RADIATION - Shows information related to the radioactivity subsystem including; Number of radiation sources, emitters and levels of radiation emitted and player exposure level. Execute again to show default information.
  • RADIATIONSPHERES - Presumably shows spheres where radiation would begin to affect the player. Execute again to show default information.
  • Reset - Hides all debug information, including default information.
  • SIGNIFICANCEMANAGER - Shows information on the significance of sounds currently being played and their volume relative to each other.
  • TRACKS - Shows information on the railroad subsystem pertaining to tracks. Execute again to show default information.
  • TRAINCOUPLERS - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding connections between train cars.
  • TRAINS - Shows information on the railroad subsystem pertaining to trains. Execute again to show default information.
  • VEHICLE - Shows information on the vehicle the player is currently in including: Speed, Steering angle, throttle information, whether or not the brake is on, current gear, engine RPM, drag force being experienced and physics information about each wheel on the vehicle.
  • WEAPON - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding held weapons/tools.
Stat FPS Small Activates the game's built-in FPS counter, all command fields are non-case-sensitive.
Stat Levels Small From description: "Displays level streaming info"
Stat Unit Small Activates shows small readout of various statistics including: Frame time (1000/Frame time = FPS), Game time (1000/Game time = UPS), Draw time (unknown), GPU time (unknown), RHIT time (unknown) and whether or not DynRes is supported (use unknown)
Suicide Small Suicide
t.MaxFPS [number] Small 0 Sets maximum framerate
FOV [number] Small Sets field of view to desired integer, however beyond 150 can become unstable and glitches will occur.
ResetGamePhses Medium This command resets all space phases to space phase 1.

Now you have to save the game and then reload the game and that's it, now you can repeat all the space phases.

ResetSchematics Medium This command resets all milestones to milestone 1. Now they have to save the game and then reload the game and that's it, now they can replay all the milestones.