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Эта страница описывает, как запустить выделенный сервер как службу.

Запуск как службы[ | ]

Работа выделенного сервера в качестве службы позволяет вашему серверу автоматически перезапускаться в случае сбоя, а также автоматически запускаться после загрузки. Эта функция отличается в операционных системах Linux и Windows, поэтому убедитесь, что вы используете правильный раздел для вашего ПО.

Linux[ | ]

Systemd[ | ]

Systemd is the service management system installed for many Linux distributions.

Ensure SteamCMD is installed. Once done, some small preparations for Systemd must be made defining the service and configuring it. The following systemd unit file for the Satisfactory service will automatically use SteamCMD to check for updates any time the server is started or restarted. It will also start the server when the host is rebooted. Edit the user and path to reflect the location and owner of the Satisfactory installation. The unit file should be placed at /etc/systemd/system/satisfactory.service

Description=Satisfactory dedicated server

ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir "/home/your_user/satisfactory" +login anonymous +app_update 1690800 validate +quit


The above configuration will have the server logs written to the system Journal. If you do not wish for this to happen, and would rather have log and error messages sent to files on disk, you can add the following two directives to the [Service] section of the Unit file. Bear in mind that if you do so, the log files will grow without limit if you do not also set up a log rotation scheme such as configuring logrotated to archive and rotate logs for you. That configuration is beyond the scope of this article. With that in mind, to log to disk rather than the journal, add these directives:


To enable and start the service, use the following two commands respectively:

$ sudo systemctl enable satisfactory
$ sudo systemctl start satisfactory

You can check the status with sudo systemctl status satisfactory. If configured correctly the output should look something like:

 satisfactory.service - Satisfactory dedicated server
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/satisfactory.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-11-02 15:30:13 CET; 2min 21s ago
   Main PID: 2529 (FactoryServer.s)
      Tasks: 24 (limit: 7053)
     Memory: 4.4G
        CPU: 4min 5.965s
     CGroup: /system.slice/satisfactory.service
             ├─2529 /bin/sh /home/steam/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer/
             └─2536 /home/steam/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Server-Linux-Shipping FactoryGame
Экспериментальная версия[ | ]

To have systemd pre-fetch the Experimental branch of the Dedicated Server upon restart, adjust the ExecStartPre directive to tell SteamCMD to use the experimental branch, as follows (truncated for brevity):

ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir "/home/your_user/satisfactory" +login anonymous +app_update 1690800 -beta experimental validate +quit

OpenRC[ | ]

OpenRC is a service management system for Gentoo Linux.

Install SteamCMD using Portage, and accept it's license. Its installation directory by default is /opt/steamcmd.

The recommended way to get it set up is to link to the already existing SteamCMD init file with ln -s /etc/init.d/steamcmd /etc/init.d/steamcmd.satisfactory and then copying the default config from /etc/conf.d/steamcmd to /etc/conf.d/steamcmd.satisfactory.

The completed /etc/conf.d/steamcmd.satisfactory would look something like this:

# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors 
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 

# Dtach options, which will used, when the `attach` extra command is called. 
# By default, CTRL+D is used, and no signal is send, 
# when you want to detach from the attached console. 
DTACH_OPTS="-e '^D' -r none" 
# Specifies, which server binary is used. 
# This could be 'hlds_run' or 'srcds_run', depending on your game. 
# Path to the files of your started server. 
# Options for your server binary. 

Windows[ | ]

КМС[ | ]

You can use Крутой Менеджер Серверов to easily set up auto-restart for the dedicated server.

Once you've downloaded and installed NSSM, navigate to the directory containing nssm.exe and run the below command:

nssm.exe install SatisfactoryServerService

This will pull up a GUI for configuration. Set the "Path" to the location of FactoryServer.exe, Set the "Arguments" to "-unattended". You can modify other settings if you want, but that's the only required step. Click "install", then run this command.

nssm.exe start SatisfactoryServerService

Other useful nssm commands:

nssm.exe status SatisfactoryServerService # Checks the status of the Service
nssm.exe stop SatisfactoryServerService # Stops the service, and prevents it from auto-restarting

Docker[ | ]

Docker is a cross-platform utility designed to run services in virtual machines in a compartmentalized fashion. This is an example dockerfile you can use to run the Satisfactory dedicated server inside a docker container

FROM cm2network/steamcmd:root
#BUILD: docker build -t satisfactory .
#RUN: mkdir data; docker run -p 15000:15000/udp -p 7777:7777/udp -p 15777:15777/udp -d --name=satisfactory -v $(pwd)/data:/home/steam/Satisfactory-dedicated satisfactory
ENV STEAMAPP Satisfactory
bash ${STEAMCMDDIR}/ +login anonymous +force_install_dir ${STEAMAPPDIR} +app_update ${STEAMAPPID} validate +quit\n\
test -d ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved || mkdir -p ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved\n\
test -d ${STEAMAPPDIR}/saves || mkdir ${STEAMAPPDIR}/saves\n\
test -L ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames || ln -s ${STEAMAPPDIR}/saves ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames\n\
RUN chmod +x "${HOMEDIR}/" && chown -R "${USER}:${USER}" "${HOMEDIR}"
CMD ["bash", ""]
EXPOSE 15777/udp 15000/udp 7777/udp

The $STEAMAPPDIR is declared as a volume so that the savegames and the config of the server can be accessed and modified from outside the container. If that is not mapped to a host directory as done with -v, it will go into /var/lib/docker/volumes. You can find exactly where using docker inspect on the running container. More information here.

Docker-Compose[ | ]

Use the following example docker-compose file in parallel with the Dockerfile and run docker-compose up -d for a detached background server.

version: "3"
    build: .
    restart: always
      - 15777:15777/udp
      - 15000:15000/udp
      - 7777:7777/udp
      - ./data:/home/steam/Satisfactory-dedicated
