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The Blueprint Designer is a special building used to create and manage Blueprints.


Buildings can be placed within the Blueprint Designer's 32m x 32m x 32m boundary. Afterwards, the arrangement can be saved as a blueprint by interacting with the Designer. Buildings placed within the Blueprint Designer can be quickly dismantled from the Designer's UI, placing the returned materials into an attached storage box.

Blueprint Build Menu[]

  • Blueprints can be placed from a tab in the build menu.
  • The Blueprint Build Menu comes with a Default "Undefined Category" that all new Blueprints Modules will be saved to unless explicitly specified during Blueprint Save Process. [1]
  • During the Blueprint Save Process additional Blueprint Menu Categories and Sub-Categories can be added as desired.

Blueprint Designer Control Bench[]

User Interface[]

  • The Blueprint Designer Control Bench UI has fields to enter data related to: [2]
    • Blueprint Module Name.
    • Blueprint Description.
    • Directory - Category / Sub-Category in Build Menu where Blueprint Module will show up.
    • Icon Settings for:
      • Icon to be used for this Blueprint Module.
      • Background Color to be used for Icon.
  • NOTE: Blueprint Categories and Sub-Categories are part of the Save Game. [3] If Blueprints are shared, the Category Information will NOT show up and the added Blueprints will show up in the "Undefined" Category.

Storage Box[]

  • The Blueprint Designer has a Blueprint Storage Box located on the Blueprint Designer Control Bench. [4]
  • The Pioneer can add items to and remove items from the Blueprint Storage Box.
  • When creating or editing a Blueprint Module the Blueprint Designer will:
    • First look in the Blueprint Storage Box for the required materials.
    • If the Blueprint Storage Box does not have enough of the required materials the Pioneer's Personal Inventory is then checked.
  • When editing a Blueprint Module and a part of a Blueprint is dismantled the Blueprint Designer will:
    • First try to place the materials in the Blueprint Storage Box.
    • If the Blueprint Storage Box is full then the materials are placed in the Pioneer's Personal Inventory.
    • In the event both the Blueprint Storage Box AND the Pioneer's Personal Inventory are full then an Overflow Crate is created and placed near the Blueprint Designer Control Bench.

Blueprint Files[]

Save Location[]

  1. Blueprints are contained in their own Session Name Directory. [5][6]
  2. At least one Blueprint Module must be created and saved in order for the Blueprint Directory to be created.
  3. IMPORTANT: Blueprint Modules are NOT saved in the same location as the game save files and as such are not cloud synced.[7] This means you will manually have to back up your Blueprint Files periodically to a location not used by the game. This also means that blueprints will not persist between sessions on cloud gameplay services such as GeForce NOW.
  4. Blueprints are not global to prevent players from starting a new game session with all previously made Blueprints already available.
  5. Players can choose to move Blueprints over to new Game Session Directory if they want.

Single Player[]

Both Steam and Epic Games version use the same PATH depending on OS used.

  1. Linux:
    ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames/blueprints/{SESSION NAME}
  2. Windows (either Path will work):
    • Path 1:
      %LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\blueprints\{SESSION NAME}
    • Path 2:
      \Users\<your Windows username>\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\blueprints\{SESSION NAME}

Dedicated Server[]

Both Steam and Epic Games version use the same PATH depending on OS used.

  1. Linux:
    ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames/blueprints/{SESSION NAME}
  2. Windows (local):
    %LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\blueprints\{SESSION NAME}
  3. Windows (Using NSSM):
    %WINDIR%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\blueprints\{SESSION NAME}
  4. Windows Server (Running as service):
    %WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\blueprints\{SESSION NAME}
    • Note: The first time accessing the Windows Service paths (NSSM or Windows Server Service), you will need to manually navigate through the folder structure using File Explorer and grant access to the folders as you go (admin rights required). If you do not do this, you will not be able to navigate directly to the save folder.


  • Blueprints consist of two separate files: [8]
    • Blueprint Module (.sbp) - This holds the Blueprint Layout / Design information.
    • Blueprint Config File (.sbpcfg) - This holds the information about:
      • Blueprint Description.
      • Icon used.
      • Icon Color used.


  • Players only need to share the actual Blueprint Module and not the related Blueprint Config File.
  • Some Online tools Factory Planners have sections dedicated to the sharing of Blueprints which may be downloaded and placed in the appropriate Blueprint directory on the Players PC.


  • Blueprint Modules can be removed at any time.
  • WARNING: By removing a Blueprint it will be deleted from your computer. This can not be undone, even if you load an older Game Save file.


  • Once buildables are built using the blueprint function, they can be dismantled or edited individually just like normal buildings.



On the platform of the Designer, buildables are snapped to 1 x 1 meter grids as on normal Foundations.

Snapping point[]

The Snapping point of blueprint is always at the center of the blueprinted buildables.

Blueprint snapping[]

  • When building under 'Blueprint' mode, blueprints snap to each other based on the center of blueprinted buildables, provided there is free of encroachments.
  • When on default mode, blueprints can be snapped to 'loose foundations' - foundations those are not built using blueprints, at 1 meter in horizontal or 0.5 meter in vertical. This requires careful manual alignment.
  • An already built blueprint preserves its snapping point for the other blueprints to snap to.

World grid[]

  • Blueprints have difficulty aligning to world grid when built on the ground. It is advised to create 'base' foundations using the world grid, then build blueprinted foundations above or beside it. Once it is done, the 'loose' foundations can be dismantled.


Belts, Pipes, Railways etc will not connect across blueprints, as they are connected based on entity serial. Simply aligning them end-to-end will not work. Same applies to between belts, pipes and railways connecting to building of different blueprints.


  • Can be used to create curved sections of Foundations which eases the z-fighting.
  • Can be used to create blueprints of floating structures, such as floating Ceiling Mounted Wall Outlets.
  • You can build already existing blueprints again in the blueprint designer. For example, if you create a 4 identical constructor levels inside the blueprint designer, you only have to build the first one manually. After you have finished level 1, save it as a new blueprint. Then select that blueprint and place it right above the existing buildings in the blueprint designer. You immediately have level 2. Then place it again for level 3 and for level 4. Now save the entire blueprint again and you have an 4 story constructor assembly with little more work than one story of it. (NB Do NOT do this, at the time of writing this will cause the game to crash when you attempt to save the new blueprint.)


  • The platform of the Designer is 1 meter tall and the frame extends an additional meter above the top of the Designer, making the total height 34 meters.
  • Despite having a terminal in its model, the Blueprint Designer can be interacted with from any angle.



