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There are several launch arguments that alter the behavior of the game when used. All launch arguments have to be entered with a hyphen either into desktop shortcut address, command line, Steam launch options, or Epic Games additional command-line arguments field.

List of known launch arguments[]

Argument Description
d3d10 Forces DirectX 10 to be used (may not work)


Forces DirectX 11 to be used


Forces DirectX 12 to be used
-graphicsadapter=X[4] Explicitly select video card adapter by index number
vulkan[2] Forces Vulkan to be used
epicapp Used when launching the game from Epic Games; the stable branch is set to Crab, experimental to CrabTest
epicenv Used when launching the game from Epic Games
EpicPortal When used standalone, the game will skip login to Epic Games and launch all sessions in offline mode, usage with Steam unknown
epicusername Used when launching the game from Epic Games, set to the currently logged in user
epicuserid Used when launching the game from Epic Games, set to the currently logged in Epic Account ID
epiclocale Used when launching the game from Epic Games, set to the locale of the launcher
NO_EOS_OVERLAY[5] Used when launching the game from Steam, prevents EOS overlay from appearing
NoMultiplayer Disables all multiplayer related connections in-game by preventing the game to connect to EOS
NoSteamClient Prevents Steam from starting when playing on Epic Games
USEALLAVAILABLECORES Forces the game to use all CPU cores
nothreadtimeout Disable the max waiting time of 120 seconds for the rendering threads
nosplash[6] Disables the splash image on launch
DisableSeasonalEvents[7] Disable Seasonal Events

Other launch arguments can be found in the Unreal Engine 4 Documentation, although they may not all be functional.

