Satisfactory Wiki

Mercer Spheres are alien artifacts found throughout the world that currently have no use.

They are found on their own Mercer Sphere plant, from which they can be collected. Standing next to one for an extended period of time will result in a sound file being played. Aside from these sounds, it currently seems to function only as a collectible.

In closed alpha versions of the game, certain in-game messages would be received from Potentially, in-universe, these spheres are named after this character.



Mercer Sphere Mercer Sphere cannot be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink and will clog the input.

Sound transcripts[]

Possible messages received when near a Mercer Sphere include:

  • "Harvest."
  • "Comply."
  • (impatient) "Harvest. It."
  • "Harvest it."
  • "I strongly advise you to harvest this specimen."
  • "Your contract legally compels you to harvest this artifact."
  • "You are so lucky that you found this most valuable artifact."
  • "Picking up multiple FICSIT personnel in the area, proceed with harvest before it's too late."
  • "Breaking news from Earth: widespread chaos and mayhem. World president urges all citizens to do their part and harvest alien artifacts."
  • "Relaying message: Hello this is (voice changes) paternal figure (voice changes back). I have taken ill and need your help to find a cure. Doctors say that the only remedy is alien artifacts."


Mercer Spheres can be found while exploring, typically in hard-to-reach places usually guarded by enemies and surrounded by uranium deposits, Spore Flowers, Cracked boulders or Poison Pillars.



  • There are 151 Mercer Spheres in the game.
  • The Mercer Spheres were named after Matthew Mercer, an American voice actor and host of the Dungeons and Dragons web series Critical Role.[1]
  • The Mercer Sphere’s speech is extremely similar to the Mesmers in Subnautica.

See also[]



  • Unknown patch: Description now contains the text "WORK IN PROGRESS ANALYZING THIS WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANYTHING" and the item's in-game name was changed to "Mercer Sphere WIP"
  • Patch 0.1.6: Mercer Spheres are again no longer scannable in the MAM
  • Patch 0.1.5: Mercer Spheres can now be scanned in the MAM again. After being scanned, the ADA dialogue listed below would appear. Scanning one would only allow them to be chosen in the Object Scanner, which worked just like scanning for Power Slugs. The research was repeatable with no rewards.
  • Unknown patch after Patch 0.1: Mercer Spheres are no longer scannable in the MAM
  • Alpha Test Weekend: Mercer Spheres are (presumably) scannable. After it was scanned, a dialog from ADA would appear:[1]
This spherical object emits gravitational radiation. Initial scans reveal an inner vein-like structure filled with liquid Gallium, purpose, and origin unknown. Further analysis required to determine application

This unofficial wiki article is outdated.
