Satisfactory Wiki

I am sure this weapon has been registered! Please do not use this to construct buildings. Especially if someone is standing directly on the other side of it.
~ Caterina Parks's assistant Steve

The Rebar Gun is a ranged weapon that shoots Rebars. It can be used to kill hostile creatures.



Rebar Gun Rebar Gun and Iron Rebar Iron Rebar are unlocked via the Alien Organisms Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Reinforced Iron Plate
Stun Rebar Stun Rebar is unlocked via the Caterium Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Iron Rebar
Shatter Rebar Shatter Rebar is unlocked via the Quartz Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Iron Rebar
Quartz Crystal
Explosive Rebar Explosive Rebar is unlocked via the Sulfur Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Iron Rebar
Steel Beam
Smokeless Powder


Explosive Rebar
2 × Iron Rebar
Iron Rebar
10 / min
2 × Smokeless Powder
Smokeless Powder
10 / min
12 sec
Manual crafting
1 × Explosive Rebar
Explosive Rebar
5 / min
660 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - Explosive Rebar
2 × Steel Pipe
Steel Pipe
10 / min
Iron Rebar
1 × Iron Rod
Iron Rod
15 / min
4 sec
Manual crafting × 1
1 × Iron Rebar
Iron Rebar
15 / min
16 MJ/item
Alien Organisms - The Rebar Gun
Rebar Gun
6 × Reinforced Iron Plate
Reinforced Iron Plate
16 × Iron Rod
Iron Rod
Equipment Workshop
Manual crafting × 25
1 × Rebar Gun
Rebar Gun
Alien Organisms - The Rebar Gun
100 × Screw
Shatter Rebar
2 × Iron Rebar
Iron Rebar
10 / min
3 × Quartz Crystal
Quartz Crystal
15 / min
12 sec
Manual crafting × 3
1 × Shatter Rebar
Shatter Rebar
5 / min
180 MJ/item
Quartz Research - Shatter Rebar
Stun Rebar
1 × Iron Rebar
Iron Rebar
10 / min
5 × Quickwire
50 / min
6 sec
Manual crafting × 2
1 × Stun Rebar
Stun Rebar
10 / min
90 MJ/item
Caterium Research - Stun Rebar


The Rebar Gun is a short-to-mid-ranged, single-shot weapon with high per-shot damage but a slow reload. A shot with the default ammo deals three times the damage of a strike with the Xeno-Zapper Xeno-Zapper, making it the second most powerful weapon in terms of damage per hit, only beaten by the Nobelisk Nobelisk.

Unlike the hitscan Rifle Rifle, the Rebar Gun's shots are tracked as projectiles, with both flight time and a ballistic arc. This means the player must compensate for lead and distance at range. The fairly rapid drop of the fired rebars limits the weapon's effective maximum range, meaning it is unable to engage targets at extreme distances as the Rifle can.

Holding R will allow the player to choose between ammunition types. The basic ammo fires a single solid rebar: while this will visibly stick into enemies and terrain, it cannot be retrieved after being fired. The three alternate types are diverse in their functions and make the weapon very flexible: Stun Rebars allow the weapon to paralyze enemies for 5 seconds, dealing minimal damage (5, a third of a standard shot and the same as a single standard Rifle bullet) but allowing the player to finish them off with melee strikes and save ammo, while Shatter and Explosive Rebars respectively convert the Rebar Gun to resemble a shotgun and a grenade launcher.

Shatter Rebar fires a ragged spread of 15 projectiles each of which deal 2 damage, for a total of 30 per shot, double that of a standard shot. Explosive ammo is even more destructive at 50 damage per shot, has a small AoE effect, and also gives the Rebar Gun all the functions of a Nobelisk in terms of destroying scenery and breakable rocks.


  • It is possible to equip multiple Rebar Guns, allowing for several shots to be fired before having to pause to reload.
  • It is also possble to effectively stunlock high HP enemies with Stun Rebar [Eg. Alpha Hogs] by shooting once, hitting twice with a melee weapon, reloading and repeating.


Rebar Gun Rebar Gun can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 1 968 points.
Iron Rebar Iron Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 8 points.
Stun Rebar Stun Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 186 points.
Shatter Rebar Shatter Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 332 points.
Explosive Rebar Explosive Rebar can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 360 points.



This unofficial wiki article is outdated.
