Satisfactory Wiki

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The Rifle is a ranged weapon which fires one of three dedicated ammo types. It can hold 15 rounds and has a semi-automatic firecap of five rounds per second when firing normal ammunition. Each bullet hit deals five damage. Bullets travel in a straight line with infinite speed (hitscan), making it useful for sniping. The maximum firing range is 150 meters. The damage per reload of the Rifle is 60.

Rifle Ammo is the ammunition for Rifle. Unlike Iron Rebar for the Rebar Gun, the bullets travel in a straight line.



Rifle Rifle and Rifle Ammo Rifle Ammo are unlocked via the Sulfur Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Smokeless Powder
Homing Rifle Ammo Homing Rifle Ammo is unlocked via the Caterium Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Rifle Ammo
High-Speed Connector
Turbo Rifle Ammo Turbo Rifle Ammo is unlocked via the Sulfur Research chain in the MAM MAM using:
Rifle Ammo
Packaged Turbofuel
Aluminum Casing


Homing Rifle Ammo
20 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
50 / min
1 × High-Speed Connector
High-Speed Connector
2.5 / min
24 sec
Manual crafting × 5
10 × Homing Rifle Ammo
Homing Rifle Ammo
25 / min
36 MJ/item
Caterium Research - Bullet Guidance System
25 × Steel Pipe
Steel Pipe
2 × Motor
Equipment Workshop
Manual crafting × 30
1 × Rifle
Sulfur Research - The Rifle
10 × Rubber
250 × Screw
Rifle Ammo
3 × Copper Sheet
Copper Sheet
15 / min
2 × Smokeless Powder
Smokeless Powder
10 / min
12 sec
Manual crafting × 3
15 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
75 / min
12 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - The Rifle
Turbo Rifle Ammo
25 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
125 / min
3 × Aluminum Casing
Aluminum Casing
15 / min
12 sec
Manual crafting × 5
50 × Turbo Rifle Ammo
Turbo Rifle Ammo
250 / min
13.2 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - Turbo Rifle Ammo
3 × Packaged Turbofuel
Packaged Turbofuel
15 / min
Turbo Rifle Ammo
25 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
125 / min
3 × Aluminum Casing
Aluminum Casing
15 / min
12 sec
50 × Turbo Rifle Ammo
Turbo Rifle Ammo
250 / min
18 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - Turbo Rifle Ammo
3 × Turbofuel
15 / min


The Rifle deals less damage per-shot than the Rebar Gun, but since it has a magazine rather than being single-shot, it offers the ability to make follow-on shots. It also has a much longer effective range, and since it fires hitscans there is no need to lead targets or compensate for projectile drop.

With standard ammo the rifle is a relatively slow-firing weapon with little meaningful difference between holding the fire button and manually pressing it, with the crosshair initially a point which blooms slightly with repeat shots. Both alternate ammo types change the behaviour of the weapon, though not nearly as radically as the alternative ammo for the Rebar Gun. Turbo Ammo makes the Rifle a fast-firing automatic weapon and offers five times the magazine size. With this ammo, the weapon's fire rate accelerates the longer it is fired, peaking after five seconds: this is accompanied by much greater crosshair bloom. The fire rate takes time to return to the default (indicated by the crosshair slowly shrinking back to normal), meaning that short, rapid bursts offer a balance of firepower and accuracy. Turbo ammo deals slightly lower damage, at 4 per shot.

The Homing ammo defaults to an extremely broad crosshair, but this does not represent shot bloom: rather, it indicates the weapon's tracking area. The ammo will curve to hit enemies within the aiming circle even if the Rifle is not pointed directly at them. The bullets appear to be tracked as projectiles rather than hitscans, and have some trouble with agile enemies, especially small Stingers where shots will often strike the ground around them. The weapon otherwise operates the same way as with normal ammo in terms of fire rate and magazine size, with slightly higher damage of 6 per shot.


Homing Rifle Ammo
20 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
50 / min
1 × High-Speed Connector
High-Speed Connector
2.5 / min
24 sec
Manual crafting × 5
10 × Homing Rifle Ammo
Homing Rifle Ammo
25 / min
36 MJ/item
Caterium Research - Bullet Guidance System
Turbo Rifle Ammo
25 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
125 / min
3 × Aluminum Casing
Aluminum Casing
15 / min
12 sec
Manual crafting × 5
50 × Turbo Rifle Ammo
Turbo Rifle Ammo
250 / min
13.2 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - Turbo Rifle Ammo
3 × Packaged Turbofuel
Packaged Turbofuel
15 / min
Turbo Rifle Ammo
25 × Rifle Ammo
Rifle Ammo
125 / min
3 × Aluminum Casing
Aluminum Casing
15 / min
12 sec
50 × Turbo Rifle Ammo
Turbo Rifle Ammo
250 / min
18 MJ/item
Sulfur Research - Turbo Rifle Ammo
3 × Turbofuel
15 / min


Rifle Rifle can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 9 480 points.
Rifle Ammo Rifle Ammo can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 25 points.
Homing Rifle Ammo Homing Rifle Ammo can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 855 points.
Turbo Rifle Ammo Turbo Rifle Ammo can be sunk into the AWESOME Sink AWESOME Sink to yield 120 points.


  • While effective against almost every hostile creature, its long range makes it particularly good at dealing with Flying Crabs and Alpha Spitters.


This unofficial wiki article is outdated.
